Hartland Garden Society


President: Dr. G. T. Cook

Vice Presidents: Mrs. E. J. Johns, Mrs. J. Downie Mrs. H. G. Jeffery and Mrs. G. Heywood

Chairman: Mrs. A. S. Huxtable

Vice Chairman: Mrs. J. Cooper Hon.

Treasurer: Mr. S. Phillips

General Hon. Secretary: Mrs. S. Humphreys Tel: 01288 331050

Miss. S. Cory Tel: 01237 441325

Show Hon. Secretaries: Mrs. J. Heard


Mesdames D. Blight, J. Cooper, T. Bennett, T. Bowles I. E. Dawkins, C. Niblett, L. Shearing, F. Short, S. Stafford, W. Tape and R. Toase Messrs C. Cory, T. J. Dawkins, J. W. George, W. Heard and G. E. Shearing.


Children’s Competition - Mrs. K. Tape;

Needlework and Craft - Mrs. M. Barker

Cookery - Mrs. C. May;

Floral Art - Mrs. S. Parker

Flowers - Mr. B. Wonnacott;

Vegetables - Mr. R. Shapland

Art & Photography - Mr. C. Brocklehurst

Judges may alter for the Autumn Show.