Hartland Garden Society Talk
Church RoomsIntroduction to Culm Grasslands Neil Charter Tea/Coffee/Cake £2 per session
Introduction to Culm Grasslands Neil Charter Tea/Coffee/Cake £2 per session
Growing flowers for cutting 'Churchpark flowers' Tea/Coffee/Cake £2 per session
Quiz and shared supper Tea/Coffee/Cake £2 per session
Greenhouses, concentrating on vegetables. Nigel Alford Tea/Coffee/Cake £2 per session
Summer Show Saturday July 29th 2023 Hartland Playing fields & Pavilion Gates open at 2pm Entrance £2 per adult Official opening at 2.15pm 3pm (approx.) Prize giving 3.15pm (approx.) Sports begin Hartland Town Band playing, Plant Sales, Refreshments, Face Painting, Hockings Ice Cream
Autumn Show Saturday Sept 30th Hartland Pavilion Refreshments